Gunther Holtorf's Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen set out in 1989 with his wife on what was intended to be an 18-month expedition of Africa. Today, after traveling the equivalent of 20-times around the globe, Holtorf is as inspired and enthusiastic as ever to continue his epic journey even after suffering the recent passing of his wife and companion.
Photographer David Lemke describes Holtorf with notable admiration, proclaiming "this man has to be one of history's greatest individual travelers." Half a million miles without a support crew, ready spares, or the benefit of sponsorship dollars to support his effort, surely confirms Holtorf's place among histories greatest automotive achievers.
Check out Lemke's short but enlightening video interview featuring dozens of Holtorf's dramatic images accumulated over years of traveling planet Earth's backroads and hinterlands. Gunter Holtorf's 23-year Road Trip
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